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Content Pack: Coco's Civil Outfit Pack [1.7.10]

Hey, it's my second pack, and today i present you a civil pack :

French :

Ce pack contient des tenues civiles et d'administration :

8 chemises

4 Tenues : éboueur, agent de la dir, magistrat et fermier

3 Pantalons

3 Polos

7 Pull

6 vestes

1 cache œille (pour les kidnappings, empêche a la personne de voir)

English :

This pack contain outfits and civil administration like :

8 shirts

3 Polo Shirts

3 Trousers

7 Sweater

6 Jackets

4 complete outfits : garbage collector, farmer, judge, and a "DIR" (french appelation for road safety worker)

1 ear cover (for kidnapping)

If you have any questions, ask me on discord : Coco#6305